~Wedding Week in Napoli~


Welcome to the photo galleries for our wedding. For those who have helped us with the wedding from beginning to end, so many amazing people, we thank you!!! For those who made the epic trip from around the world or across town for our wedding, we thank you!!! For those who couldn’t make it for some reason, we missed you, and we thank you for all the virtual love and energies sent our way!!! Our photo galleries are a memory bank for us and a way to re-live and share the experience with you. Finally, we’re very grateful to everyone for finding our Registry and donating to the many wonderful organizations in our honor!!!

A.  Boo Love Forever YouTube channel. View our story slideshows as videos accompanied by sounds and music recorded at our events! You can view them on your desktop or mobile device – but for the best viewing experience, you can stream or mirror the videos on your television!  


B. Boo Love Forever On-Site Primary Photo Galleries. Each gallery can be scrolled through on your mobile or desktop. They are the same images on our YouTube videos without sound; simply select a gallery and click on the first image and they will pop out into a modal to scroll through. 

  1. The First Night in Naples – La Prima Notte a Napoli
  2. A Night at the Palace: Getting Ready – Una Notte a Palazzo: Prepararsi
  3. A Night at the Palace: Homage to the History of Naples – Una Notte a Palazzo: D’Omaggio Alla Storia Napoletana
  4. A Night at the Palace: The Unicorn Quadrille – Una Notte a Palazzo: La Quadriglia Degli Unicorni
  5. A Day in Naples – Un Giorno a Napoli
  6. Program of Great Opera Arias – Programma Grandi Arie d’Opera
  7. Andy & Dave’s Wedding Rehearsal Dinner: Opening of the Teatro San Carlo Terrace Garden – Inaugurazione del Giardino Terrazzato del Teatro San Carlo
  8. Andy & Dave’s Wedding Day – Ell Giorno Delle Nozze
  9. Andy & Dave’s Wedding Night – La Prima Notte di Nozze
  10. Andy & Dave’s Beach Party – La Festa in Spiaggia
  11. Sailing Regatta


CBoo Love Forever Off-Site Primary Galleries High-Res.  Photos available here are formatted as 8 x 10 High-Resolution print quality images to download for printing.

D. Unlimited Boo Love!  Our photographers, Dot and Gooch, captured thousands of incredible photos!  We limited the images for the primary galleries down to distill and tell the story of the wedding.  But you can make a deep dive and find even more memories!  This gallery contains 4,000 Full-size High-Resolution Print Quality Images, sorted by star rating: 4 Stars, 3 Stars & 2 Stars!  These “Star Rated” galleries contain all the wedding images in folders with 8 x 10 High-Resolution images and smaller Low-Resolution images.  Maybe your Holiday card photo is here!  This folder is extremely large and will be taken offline at the end of 2022.

E.  Your Photos.  Many of you took photos and videos, including the prequel in Venice and the Honeymoon Regatta.  We would love to see ones that you think are either especially great or that you think we should see. We can create a folder for you to use on the Drive or you can email them directly to us.  We will add your images and videos to the shared Drive.  We are still planning to do a next-level video with Brett Fisher’s videos and others this fall.  Thank you for sharing!

We welcome you to share and use them!